Wesley Tan
How going Vegan helps the environment
It is not that you are going to get lesser intake of Protein and Energy from going Vegan, it is getting an equal or more amount of it while combating carbon footprint. Going vegan stops the deforestation, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with meat production, helping to slow climate change and secure our global food supply according to an article from The Humane League. “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use, and water use,” Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford,...
Wesley Tan
What is Acai? - Everything You Need to Know About Acai
How to Pronounce Acai? This is the most commonly asked question and the correct way to pronounce Acai is: “ah-sigh-ee”. What is Acai? Acai is the fruit of the acai palm tree which grows throughout the Amazonian river in south America.They don't last long on a shelf so you can generally find them as frozen form. The oblong, deep purple berries grow in large sprays on fan-like branches. The acai berry is actually just 10% fruit, 10% pulp and 80% seed, making most of the acai actually inedible! The Açai palm takes 10 to 12 years to bear fruit, but once mature, a single palm can...
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